Saturday, May 9, 2009

Dear Blog

While I sit here watching Secondhand Lions with no audio on our four channel television, I ask myself, "Should I update the blog?"  Well, Yes.   

We are in Bowen, Queensland.  A small town on the north east coast recently made famous by of two things: The Baz Luhrmann film AUSTRALIA was filmed here in 2006 AND as of a few days ago, bird eating spiders have strolled into town due to excess rain.   

This was brought to my attention by my mother before anyone in the town said 'boo' about spiders.  In fact, I seem to be the only one talking about them.
"How high can they jump?"
"Do they have a sense of vengeance?"
"Are they cuddly?"
"If I capture the baby will the parents come looking?"
"Is their thread compatible with my Singer?"
But all the australians seem to want to know is if they're edible. 

It's like 'Salem's Lot but instead of vampires sucking your blood, it's spiders. And instead of blood, it's boredom.   Nicolas swears one was on his leg when he fell asleep in the park a week ago.  I'm not too sure.  

To give you an example we found a fried fruit bat on an electric line that I can only assume killed itself.  We, of course, tried for thirty minutes to knock it down with a tube of sunscreen before succeeding with a coconut. After which, we poked it with a stick for about ten minutes. 

This is the most exciting thing to happen in Bowen, Queensland thus far...  Not just for Nicolas and I, but for the entire population of 8,000 people.

Here's a few photos of the journey so far.

This last one is of Deb and guy she referred to as her fag-bangle.  Deb, a townsville local, was nice enough to let us camp in her front yard for a few days.  Click the photos and they should get bigger!   

Friday, May 8, 2009

Y finalmente....

Aca estoy, estamos , yo , James, la Balalaika y mis tiradores.

Llegue a Sydney el 12 de abril de 2009 a las 18 hs.


Sydney, ciudad moderna, increiblemente limpia, con calles y veredas super amplias, edificios altos, increibles, gente de todas partes del mundo. .. pero?, donde estan los Australianos? y los canguros?. Eso es algo que tardariamos en encontrar.....

Opera House

Harbor Bridge


Bondi Beach y Manly beach. Dos de las playas mas populares de Sydney donde se juntan surfistas, skaters, gente que pasea al perro y demas. Excelentes.

Bondi Beach

La idea era sacar la foto en el momento en que
la ola rompia contra las rocas.
Nos perdimos en momento kodak!

Nicolas en Manly Beach. Cute!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Asado de Kanguro !

Hola! El que escribe es Nicolás (el Argentino) , con mi amigo James estamos por emprender un viaje de unos meses por Australia para descubrir las maravillas de este misterioso país .
El propósito de este blog es compartir nuestras vivencias, fotos , historias eróticas y demás.
Esta será la versión en castellano (James se encargará de la versión en Inglés).

Espero que lo disfruten, partimos en unos días!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Oi Chuds!

James here, (hence the ingles) After watching Dr. Zhivago I was inspired to purchase my very own BALALAIKA. About 100$ bucks on ebay. It is currently en route to Desiree´s apartment in North Hollywood. Hopefully it will get there in time before I leave on the 10th for Sydney.

The Balalaika is a russian instrument, traditionally made with three strings but sometimes six. Sort of a baby, triangular, guitar. They come in small, medium and fucking massive. I´m hoping to learn during my downtime from harvesting pearls and fighting biker gangs.

Check out Anatole tearing it up:

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Oi Mate!

Hello readers,

This is the new blog from the dynamic duo: Nicolas Rodriguez and James George Monahan III. We are two guys getting ready to make the big leap to the mysterious of country of AUSTRALIA. This blog is to document our fabulous adventures through the land downunder. Enjoy our highlights, photos, and erotic tales as we make our way around the country. We leave in April so get ready!